If you are purchasing a products to assist you or chronically sick or disabled persons, then it is likely you will qualify for VAT exemption.

A person is ‘chronically sick or disabled’ if he/she is a person with a physical or mental impairment which has a long-term and substantial adverse effect upon his/her ability to carry out everyday activities; with a condition which the medical profession treats as a chronic sickness, such as diabetes; or who is terminally ill.

Charities also normally qualify for VAT Exemption, simply provide your charity number when you are ordering, preferably with a completed charity VAT form.


In order to waive VAT on an eligible purchase, the government requires a simple declaration to be made as to the nature of your disability at the time of ordering – this is best done using our VAT Exemption forms below. No proof of your disability need be shown to any party at any time.

VAT form if this is a Private Purchase>>

VAT form if you’re a charity>>

It’s very easy to claim VAT relief, all we need to know is the name, address, disability of the person the item is for and what their chronic sickness or disability is. We don’t need a doctor’s letter or any reference numbers.